Jacotanu / DC Mizey
Jacotanu(ハコタヌ)はBassline, Grime, Garage等のジャンルを軸に活動しているDJ/Producer。レーベル「SPRAYBOX」の共同主催者。
2021年11月にUKサウンドをフィーチャーするレーベル「SPRAYBOX」の立ち上げに参加。一方でWang Records、Outhouse Sounds、SILLYUGLY、Project Allout Records等のイギリスのレーベルからEPや楽曲をリリースするなど、本国でも高い評価を得ている。
また、ソロプロジェクト「DC Mizey」でも積極的に活動を続けており、主な実績として、「快眠!安眠!スヤリスト生活」リミックス提供(CLUB Lantis)、「電音部」オリジナル楽曲提供(バンダイナムコエンターテインメント)、「valknee」トラック提供、JAKAZiDへのリミックス提供、IOSYS主催コンピレーション参加、DanceDanceRevolution楽曲提供(KONAMI)などがある。
Jacotanu is a DJ/Producer who works within the genres of Bassline, Grime, Garage, and more. He is also a co-owner of the label "SPRAYBOX."
In November 2021, he joined the launch of "SPRAYBOX," a label that features UK sound. On the other hand, he has received high acclaim in his home country, the UK, by releasing EPs and tracks with labels such as Wang Records, Outhouse Sounds, SILLYUGLY, and Project Allout Records.
Meanwhile, his solo project "DC Mizey" is also actively pursued, with notable achievements including providing a remix for "Kaimin! Anmin! Syalist Seikatsu" (CLUB Lantis), offering original music for "DEN-ON-BU" (Bandai Namco Entertainment), providing tracks for "valknee," remixing for JAKAZiD, participating in a compilation organized by IOSYS, and contributing to DanceDanceRevolution's music (KONAMI).